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           Cimini Lab   Department of Biological Sciences

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Reviews, Commentaries and Book Chapters
Reviews and Commentaries

  Aneuploidy and gene expression: is there dosage compensation?
       Kojima S. and Cimini D. (2019).
       Epigenomics, 11: 1827-1837.

  A guide to classifying mitotic stages and mitotic defects in fixed cells.
       Baudoin N.C. and Cimini D. (2018).
       Chromosoma, 127: 215-227.

  Chromosome segregation: the bigger they come, the harder they fall.
       Baudoin N.C. and Cimini D. (2018).
       Current Biology, 28: R665–R667.

 Consequences of aneuploidy in sickness and in health.
       Rutledge S.D. and Cimini D. (2016)
       Curr. Opin. Cell Biol., 40: 41-46.

 Using photoactivatable GFP to study microtubule dynamics and chromosome segregation.
       He B. and Cimini D. (2016)
       Methods Mol. Biol., 1413: 15-31.

 The centrosome: a multifaceted cellular weapon against chromosome instability.
       Guarguaglini G. and Cimini D. (2016)
       Chromosome Res., 24: 1-4.

 Genomic instability: crossing pathways at the origin of structural and numerical chromosome changes.
       Russo A., Pacchierotti F., Cimini D., Ganem N.J., Genescà A., Natarajan A.T., Pavanello S.,
       Valle G., and Degrassi F. (2015)
       Environ. Mol. Mutagenesis, 56: 563-580.

 Link between aneuploidy and chromosome instability.
       Nicholson J.M. and Cimini D. (2015)
       Internat. Rev. Cell Mol. Biol., 315: 299-317.

 Modeling chromosome dynamics in mitosis: a historical perspective on models of metaphase
       and anaphase in eukaryotic cells.

       Civelekoglu-Scholey G. and Cimini D. (2014)
       Interface Focus, 4: 20130073.

 Cancer karyotypes: survival of the fittest.
       Nicholson J.M. and Cimini D. (2013)
       Front. Oncol., 3: 148.

 MISP: the missing link between extracellular matrix and astral microtubules.
       Nain A. and Cimini D. (2013)
       Cell Cycle, 12:1821-1822.

 Transient defects of mitotic spindle geometry and chromosome segregation errors.
       Silkworth W.T. and Cimini D. (2012)
       Cell Div., 7: 19.

 Doubling the deck: tetraploidy induces chromosome shuffling and cancer.
       Nicholson J.M. and Cimini D. (2012)
       Cell Cycle, 18: 3355.

 How mitotic errors contribute to karyotypic diversity in cancer.
       Nicholson J.M. and Cimini D. (2011)
       Adv. Canc. Res., 112: 43-75.

 Merotelic kinetochore attachment: causes and effects.
       Gregan J., Polakova S., Zhang L., M. Tolic-Nørrelykke I., and Cimini D. (2011).
       Trends Cell Biol., 21: 374-381.

 Merotelic kinetochore orientation, aneuploidy, and cancer.
       Cimini D. (2008).
       Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1786: 32-40.

 Detection and correction of merotelic kinetochore orientation by Aurora B and its partners.
       Cimini D. (2007).
       Cell Cycle, 6: 1558-1564.

 Aneuploidy: a matter of bad connections.
       Cimini D., Degrassi F. (2005).
       Trends Cell Biol., 15: 442-451.

 Merotelic kinetochores in mammalian tissue cells.
       Salmon E.D., Cimini D., Cameron L.A., and DeLuca J.G. (2005).
       Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci., 360: 553-568.

 The detection and evaluation of aneugenic chemicals.
       Parry J.M., ......., Cimini D., ......., Hess P. (1996).
       Mutat. Res., 353: 11-46.

Book Chapters

 How mitotic errors contribute to karyotypic diversity in cancer.
       Nicholson J.M. and Cimini D.
       Adv. Canc. Res. , 112: 43-75.

 Telomere and Chromosome Segregation.
       Sgura A. and Cimini D. (2009).
       In “Telomeres: Function, Shortening and Lengthening”. Leonardo Mancini, ed. Nova Science Publishers.